Robyn Davies embarked on her L3 Diploma Business Administration Apprenticeship in October 2021 whilst employed at PCI Services in Tredegar. During the enrolment process, her assessor Tammy Barker identified that Robyn was a fluent Welsh speaker and offered
for Robyn to complete the qualification through the medium of Welsh. Robyn initially declined this offer and decided on English delivery.
It was after an initial visit from her assessor that Robyn changed her mind on the mode of delivery and opted for a bilingual approach. Having been set her first action plan, to answer knowledge and understanding questions for a mandatory unit, Robyn approached her manager and the assessor to request that her written work was completed in Welsh. Robyn outlined her concerns about being able to answer the questions correctly in English and felt that whilst she had no issues reading and speaking, writing in English could be a potential barrier to her documenting the knowledge answers clearly and concisely.
Robyn’s request was fully supported by her line manager and also the assessor at Coleg y Cymoedd who were keen for Robyn to maintain her Welsh language skills both in the workplace and during her learning programme. Coleg y Cymoedd agreed a suitable internal process whereby knowledge questions would be translated, word for word, to enable the assessment team and the awarding body to mark and internally/externally verify the portfolio evidence.
Robyn produced portfolio evidence to a high standard and made quick progress throughout her programme as she was able to work to her strengths and preferred learning style. Coleg y Cymoedd, were delighted that the awarding body were able to accommodate the request and that the learner was able to use her fluent language.
Robyn successfully achieved her Level 3 framework, 4 months earlier than her expected end date, which was a fantastic achievement. Llongyfarchiadau!