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Electric Saw

Learner Testimonials


“ITeC's support and education has made me the confident, competent technician I now am. I could never have started a business at 22 without the foundations that ITeC, Luke and Helen, built for me."

ITeC Digital Training

Caitlyn Sheldon - IT Apprentice


“ACO Training is run by a dedicated team of staff members who are knowledgeable and committed to delivering high quality training. They have helped me obtain my level 4 qualification through AAT and have always provided me with the support required."

ACO Training

Nick Levi - Accounting Apprentice


‘I was apprehensive at the start of Hospitality Management programme and found some of the work extremely challenging, through hard work, determination and support from Assessor I found this programme innovative and exciting. I have researched, completed be-spoke assignments tailored to my place of work and what is more rewarding I use the developed skills in my role as Catering Manager to effectively manage the Catering Operation at St Mike’s.’ 

Jobforce Wales

Owen Johns - Hospitality Management Apprentice

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